The Global Search for Education: What Did You Learn Today?
"Children do not always learn what we teach. That is why the most important assessment does not happen at the end of the learning, it happens during the learning."
-- Dylan Wiliam
This piece has some pretty interesting comments from Dylan Wiliam -- comments that serve as important reminders of what feedback and assessment need to look like in the classroom. As we have been talking about for months, feedback always includes a recipe for future action; assessment is ongoing and informs instruction to ensure learning and prevent failure. Is this what feedback and assessment look like in the classrooms you're visiting?
QR What?
Back in August at our initial Pre K - 12 Administrative meeting, we introduced The Connected Leader blog with the following picture:

As you may know, this is an example of a QR (Quick Response) code, and they seem to be popping up everywhere. My selection this week provides Administrators, Teachers, and Students with a variety of ways in which QR codes can be utilized in the classroom and throughout the school. Of particular note interest, check out the link titled 43 Interesting Ways to Use QR Codes in the Classroom.
Redefining Instruction With Technology: Five Essential Steps
As we move forward to developing 21st Century skills in our students at Hilliard, we know it involves more than simply bringing a new technology tool into the classroom. In the following article, one teacher shares her thinking about the need to change her instructional design and practice when using technology devices. This article might be useful to share with your teachers.
What You (Really) Need to Know
Colleges and universities define what secondary schools teach and establish a framework for what it means to be an educated citizen. We have been particularly conscious of this with the adoption of the Common Core State Standards and the emphasis placed on our graduates being "college and career ready". While public schooling has been focused on preparing students for future demands, undergraduate education at the college level has changed remarkably little over time. The lecture is "alive and well" with the professor standing in front of the class, and blue books still being used to assess student understanding.
Lawrence H. Summers, former President of Harvard University, wrote this interesting essay about how our colleges/universities will have to reform so that they can reflect the needs of 21st century learners. The Hilliard City School District is well on the way toward making the shift. Of particular significance is #6 which says that "courses of study will place much more emphasis on the analysis of data." Imagine adding probability, statistics, and data analysis to every course that we offer!